About Me
Conrad Chung
Hi, my name is Conrad. Inspired by the outspokenness of other teenagers before me, such as Greta Thunberg, on the issue of climate change, I decided to do a SDG Project after finding about their movement. I am an active member of MUN and also the Secretary General of the club at my school. My time at MUN has led me to also explore the environmental area of the world and I wanted to do something practical rather than just speak about it. Therefore, I chose smart homes as my project. It mixes two things that I love the most - the earth and technology.
The naming behind SMOME:
The Home is Smart Home does not just represent our normal homes. But a collective home we call Earth. In a "smart" era, it is important to realize the potential of technology to solve our future problems, albeit they cause some other problems.
Future Plans:
In the future, I aim to create an energy calculator app using my experience in Xcode and Swift programming language to calculate the amount of carbon tonnes per use of time on appliance. This is a future project of mine that I wish to complete given more time.

My other hobbies
Apart from participating in MUN frequently, I am an avid reader and a photographer. A lot of my photos focus on another aspect of the UN - namely inequality in countries. Utilising Hong Kong as my starting base, I aspire to show through my project and my photography a sense of activism that I want to inspire in other people. Just like Greta Thunberg inspired me.